the question of x –

let’s get real.

x is as yet unknown as far as we have knowledge of though there are many who claim to know exactly what it is.

this could be the result of our ignorance.



we should know what x is since we interact with it every day after day in our lives.

but there are those who claim that what we perceive it to be with our senses and think it to be with our minds is wrong and an illusion.

often it is claimed that there is another reality of some sort hidden that we do not normally perceive but can be perceived using various methods they will explain to us  – usually for a price.

who do we trust in this situation?

we trust no one but ourselves and our own experience and what we learn from others that seems to make a certain amount of sense.

that is if we ourselves can be trusted.

that is very much in doubt.


what do we know about x?

we know we exist and are conscious thinking beings.

we exist here now.

but we imagine that there will be those who will argue those points.

there also appears to be a near infinite if not infinite universe surrounding us.

there is sensation.

there is thinking.


this is as much as we have gotten so far.



on beyond x –

here we go.


now here?


what the fuck is x?

why should we care what it is or what it’s not?

x, the unknown.

x, the unknowable?

x is everything real or imagined and possible and impossible?

and even more than that we do not know about?

the seach within and without.

expanding frontiers.

expanding minds.

exploring x.

discovering x.

what else is there but x?

x is designated as the ultimate unknown.

and beyond.

beyond itself.


what will it be if anything?

this is the question he has in mind now.

he doesn’t know why.


why not?


so, nancy says, where we at?

somewhere, he says.

prove it, she says.

i can’t, he says.


is there a god? she says.

there might be, he says.

but could there be? she says.

i kinda doubt it, he says, but isn’t god something that cannot be?

i suppose, she says.


never mind god, he says. forget it.

why? she says.

i think it only gets in the way and confuses us, he says.

i suppose, she says.


what is the most ultimate thing that could be? he says.

i don’t know, she says.

we have yet to discover it, he says.

maybe we never will, she says.

let’s hope so, he says.


but there’s lots of theories about it, she says.

and lots of what people believe to be truths about it as well, he says.

all that disagree and contradict each other, she says.

yup, he says.


we do become confused, she says.

that will perhaps pass with time, he says.

i doubt it, she says.

yes, he says, but it is our confusion that gets us to seek out answers to it.

i suppose, she says.


as they sit facing each other on a beach of the island in the eye of a storm raging on an otherwise calm sea.

the sea is humanity.


it is it.

think of the most ultimate thing that ever could be.

that is it.

define it any which way one wants and/or needs it to be defined.


some want/need gods.

some want/need no gods.

some just don’t know what the fuck.


i think we are in that last group, she says.

yup, he says. i sure don’t know what the fuck, do you?

i know but i’m not telling, she says.

why not? he says.

you can figure it out on your own, she says.

i can? he says.

maybe, she says.

what if i can’t? he says.

oh well, she says.








we have what you need right here.

now you see it and now you don’t.

any questions?

it is quite meaningless and we should end right here.

but we continue on making it up as we go along as others had made it all up before us.

the impossibilities are endless.


the zero of spacetime.

all at rest.

no motion whatsoever.

until it tips its finger in and stirs it up.

