
gahan wilson

to begin with, he farts.
as much as he knows we is me, myself and i.
everybody is crazy insane.
especially those who believe they are not.
those who feel they ought to be running things giving orders.
making it march.
this gives them a sense of meaning and purpose – a mission.
the project.

we’ve strung them along for ages doing our bidding.
who cares what anyone thinks?
we don’t.
we do what we will.
fuck this shit.

an exercise in the obsolete cryptic philosophy.
arts of magick.
a spectacle of shadows on a cave wall.
head in a cloud.
a world described without meaning.
wars without beginning nor end.
as long as there is $$$ to be made.
we rake it in and launch it all up to our secret bases on the moon.
short attention spans.
deprograming centers worldwide.
a readymade dream machine chugging churning along abandoned highways.
more coffee, another toke, another cigarette.
a peanut butter sandwich.
pet the kitty.
it’s medication time.

buzzing through astral spheres.
doing the cosmic stroll.
all may or may not be one.
if we choose one or the other then that is reality for us.
he chooses neither/both just to be difficult.
which puts him in a difficult position in the middle sitting on a fence.
finite yet boundless.
the middle of a riddle.
monkey see, monkey do.
it is what and how we choose to see that determines our actions/reactions.
infinite lines of logically falling dominos.
what is gravity?

the fate of everything.
beginning ending continuing beginning ending.
everything everywhere everywhen in an infinitesimal instant here now or some such.
it is raining.

the herd survives while the individual is sacrificed in some fashion or another.
sacrifice of self.
this is what the wise guys tell us.
fuck that.

but this was the message all along.
be true and serve to the needs of the collective.
know our place.
our place is madness.
madness thinking about everything.
everything swirl a-twirl changing transforming itself.
long and slow, quick and fast.
from the momentary instant to the eternal end of time.
everything happening at once.

nothing does nothing.
everything does everything.
the obvious does not escape our scrutiny.
nor does the oblivious.
crimes against the state.
state your business.
state your name and number.
is this identity correct?
a bamboozled mindset.
put your helmets on.

strange world.
strange people.
strange potato.

locked together hand in hand all through this unsteady land.
when he seriously thought that was happening.
romantic revolutionary propaganda.
just like we were told about but laughed and danced the boogaloo.
now the war is on.

continuing thinking about everything.
sometimes he feels as if he almost gets it sorta but then it falls away.
building houses of cards without a full deck.
more coffee.
he doesn’t believe what he thinks.
he doesn’t doubt it either.
he thinks about bacon.
he doesn’t believe or doubt it, he just eats it.
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