

dark morning.
coffee, toke, cigarette.
a little of the heebee jeebees.
when everything we know is wrong.
begin again.
where? when?
a plenum singularity 0 dimension spacetime coordinate location point?
it is it.
is it aware of itself?
transmitting receiving processing bits of data.
only in a finite universe.
continuous energy from no time to no time?
no time like the present.
here now everywhere everywhen in everything.
or, an explosion of the singularity into a finite boundless spacetime universe in our heads outta our minds?
or, fantasy philosophy having little to do with human mortal reality?
or not.

a reality of war and other violence from words to bombs worldwide one against another on and on and such forth.
wealth and power.
a world of scarcity based on (mutual?) self-interest.
but 1 > infinity.
an infinity of 1s.
it’s medication time.

put everything in its pajamas.
kiss it goodnight.
have we become distracted from the point of our perhaps pointless discussion which itself is also perhaps distraction?
begin again.
does everything begin with i am?
what exists without being experienced as existing?
experienced by itself experiencing.
or, i am continuously existing experiencing everything at once in an eternal moment.
are we perhaps like fractured flashing images of i am radiating in a maze of mirrors?
anyway, mass global traffic of information of all sortsa stuff and shit like that.
exponential curving ever onward toward transcending heights and depths to break on through to the other side now.
the other side of this life, baby.
we watch and wait.
down on threshing floor.
we have our own ideas put together hodge podge bugaboo woven into a entangled tapestry of haphazard design mimicking our perception of what seems to be more or less commonly perceived reality though with varying differing meanings to each all of us alone together individually collectively.
a spell of the knowledge of good and evil such that our thoughts cannot always be trusted but have their bias leaning one way or another on a merry-go-round.
grab that brass ring.
sing and dance.
fall down.
spin the wheels one more time.
no rhyme or reason.
collapse of empires return to sand blowing in the winds.
secret subterfuge of the masses.
they come to hang the pigs who sell them the rope.
he hits the inhaler.
he goes to make more coffee.

another cigarette.
obscene justice justified under state of emergency measures for the good of all for one when the shit hits the fan.
nonsense narratives.
we is me, myself and i am i think therefore pet the kitty.
ooga booga.
baby la strange comes out of the closet one fine rainy afternoon.
everybody’s a clown.
mix it up.
the lost generations.
very odd indeed.
everyone lost to their own devices devising exit strategies.
the mind ship/shift set to go.
hooray for our side.
who am us?

ready or not here we come.
get with the program, people.
we are the left behinds after their mutual annihilation.
alien angels casing the joint.
magick all around.
time to make it happen, children.

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