happy gazorbnik, everyone

hole in head 325px-Hieronymus_Bosch_053_detail

the final line of everything we know.
destroy it all.
no excuses.
it’s over.
but why should we care?
we have little invested in this world of greed.
we go our merrie way wandering pathless paths to nowhere (now here).
thoughtcrime will be impossible.
we have nearly reached our destination.
the crying of the sheep.
what is there to fear?
what is there to desire?

what reality?

thin threads of sanity (de)composing the universe.
a bouncing red rubber ball.
holy shit, motherfucker.
as everything explodes from potential into being according to some certain theories included in with our theory of everything he types out a not poem about.
it might be possible.
except in theoretical realities where motion is not permitted of course.
everyone is suspect.
hep hep hurrah.

easy does it, mr. jones.
experiments in ambiguous control.
we now explore our imaginations.
the reality of this world fades away.
are we gaining or losing our minds?
which is preferable?
it’s our choice.
who will win the prize?
what is the prize?

it’s a trick question.
but as according to many theories everything ebbs and flows never repeating the same ever as much as we speculate from what we understand individually collectively and so on.
to find peace, love and understanding within ourselves.
eclipsed idiots entangled in knots of our own undoing delight.
we will will what we wilt.
nevermind the bollocks.
inspired into further depths of understanding.
a finger dipped into a calm cool pool.
poke its eye out.
ripples of oozing blood.
this shall be a sign unto thee.
spin the wheels one more time.
ride it, baby.


idiot mind yearning.
idiot mind learning.
what to do when ya got an idiot mind.
no one can help you.
ya gotta help yourself.
sing your own song outta key.
never mind what the others might think or say or do.
who are they to you?
you’ve risen above into stratospheres of understanding diving deep into the sea.
everything is lost.
there is no turning back.

you run but cannot hide.
you know they are coming for you.
gonna take you out and shoot you dead in the head.
they are bored with your excuses.
now they just wanna send ya to hell.
back where they believe you belong.
do you?

monkey free and wild.
monkey in a zoo.
monkey in the middle.
serious as shit on a stick.
will you be in or will you be out?
the lines are being drawn among us.
and perhaps this is no time to be dreaming about a theory of everything written out as not poem and such.
there’s more than meets the naked eye.
layers of classifications and meanings and so on.
time is running out swiftly.
we’re doing ok.
hope you are too.
happy gazorbnik, everyone.

if we never see this world again it will be too soon.
but we will never forget the wild experience of it.
and do we return again again like addiction?
gods hooked into the reality simulation machine getting their fix of excitement now that their immortality is become exceedingly endlessly boring mediocrity of ages and ages…
or do the gods exist when there is no time?
we are left to imagine beyond our comprehension but well within our understanding.
to have faith or doubt is a question we ask ourselves.
so far there is no answer we cannot further question we think as we pet the kitty.
humans becomes gods perhaps?
is humanity some larval stage of development that bursts forth as gods?
from the destruction of the egg cocoon world thing we are within.
each of us alone all of us together.
and if one picks a flower it soon dies.
only when it is taken up roots and all can it survive.
and gods create their own replacements.
that is what is eternal living life.
and roots will create a flower as a flower will create roots.
the wonderful lessons we learn if we pay attention to everything and how it all might possibly work somehow together as contradicting and conflicting as it seems to us to be.
wheels keep spinning across the universe in all directions and dimensions and such.
make a left at the next light.

all conditions go.
the mind shift/ship begins to purr its psycho-transcendental vibrations.
all aboard?
we watch and wait.
what will it be like?


the quest for forbidden fruit always in our hearts and minds.
feeling like we’ve been ripped off.
the sweet and sour of living we partake in.
diving into the sea.
the sea is humanity.
to be created sustained destroyed in transcending evolution toward… ???
the here and now.

is it all worth coming to understanding about?
we bitch and moan.
the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
the contractions of a world in labor.
how terrible it seems.
is there no hope?
but we’ve got the dope.
it’s under a microscope.
on a slippery slope.

what is revealed about any of this?
will we know in 1000 years?
man, are we stupid or what?
you travel on beyond skies of bliss.
a kiss.
transcend to planes of infinite harmony.
godhead awaits you within and without.
but you’ve known all along, haven’t you?
we’ve all known all along.
all known what?

when pigs have wings.
religion and science won’t save you.
the occult mysteries won’t save you.
another cigarette.
we save ourselves – or not.
but we don’t know what we’re doing or how.
the information is all muddled together at best.
but uncertain clues lead the way.
this and that and the other thing, etc. on and on…
what will survive our downfall?
what will rise up in our absence?
they cannot be rid of us no matter what they devise.
has anything taught them nothing?
it has taught us everything.
everything we know is wrong.
begin again.

worldwide helter skelter.
the madhouse erupts in fire.
everyone’s got the fever.
the encampments making or preparing for war.
the serious business of it all it is to them.
the year 0?

but everything continues as it was is will be undisturbed by our actions or not.
we are comical clowns obsessed with our sense of importance.
we chase desires while being chased by fears.
but they won’t – they can’t.
caught entangled in a web beyond their imagination.
the play on the stage of the burning theater.
down here on easy street.
a full house.
the tragic comedy of it eludes them all.
the prayers of the dead.
beautiful dreams.


he imagines as much of everything as he is able.
he puts it on the table to see what it might do.
it performs bedazzling dances of tantalizing tricks galore and then some.
to be of certain mind to perceive.
everything transmitting receiving processing information.
everything in communion of communication.
perhaps with beginning and end.
perhaps beginningless and endless.
perhaps who knows what.

there is always danger.
it could always be a hoax.
with so many who suffer.
when all our plans have failed.
when it all comes down to $$$.
tokens of exchange tallied up between winners and losers.
to the victors go the spoils.
what is worth a life?
what is life worth?
will there be $$$ in heaven?
he sleeps.

coffee, toke, cigarette.
for those of us who just wanna be left alone.
thinking about everything.
doing nothing.
as the night turns to light.
those of peace, love and understanding silently abide and endure.
but the shouts of the others command all the attention.
calling out for war.
victory will be ours.
we must sacrifice and persevere.
there is no end in sight.
but we are beyond all that now.
we have come to realize the flaws in their schemes for glory.
we watch and wait.

another cigarette.
death lingers at the door.
but never mind.
he needs to go out for supplies.
and it’s medication time.
abandoned in a desperate land.
he should be brave and strong but he’s not.
he has always been afraid.
everyone is a stranger.
what becomes of these like him?
do they just fade away?

when the world disappears into oblivion.
when we transcend – or not.
he is unsure about anything.
everything comes to his rescue.
it enfolds him in the comfort of understanding what he does not know.
pet the kitty.

the schemes and dreams and screams of humanity.
when will it ever end?
what when we can get along with living life.
more coffee and another cigarette and he needs to go.

and he comes back.
supplies put away.
another cigarette.
sitting before the computer gazing out the window at the trailer park softly lit by the glowing overcast sky.
not a shadow to be found except in the closet.
come out, come out, whatever you are.
help us to understand.
free us of this psychophobic nightmare upon us – that we have set upon ourselves.
fear all evil.
whatever any which all each of us perceive as being evil.
there is enough in this world and beyond for all of us to imagine is evil aplenty.
there would seem to be no end to it.
we forget that all is in balance out of balance.
we forget that good and evil dance together.
it’s hard to remember when you’re getting the shit beat outta ya by the police or some such thing as that.

the everyday misunderstandings.
we know not what we do as we have forgotten.
we are guilty and innocent.
we don’t need to be forgiven and all that jazz.

goat 2

a plenum singularity is all it needs to be.
0 dimension point.
or, indefinite infinite dimension point(s).
anything is possibility.
and anything becomes everything that is.
what does that mean?
that which is experienced?
– practical contact with and observation of facts or events.
– encounter or undergo (an event or occurrence).
experience requires interaction of data (information).
between what and what?
exactly the question.

it is it?
it is not it?

and awareness.
at what point does it become aware?
aware of i am.
would it be the point of beginning?
the beginning of existence itself.
the end of nonexistence.
everything in potential.
virtual stuff.
or, simply nothing.
our familiar 0 dimension point.

something creates.
what is that something?
random happenstance?
something turning on.
turning what on?
i am?
what the fuck?

imagining philosophic phantasies from old ideas cast aside by those who know better.
he doesn’t know better.
he isn’t much concerned about that possibility.
might not everything he knows be wrong?
another possibility that doesn’t concern him that much.
he considers it once in a while and begins again.
tries to begin again.
what would be the first thing he knows from direct experience?
wouldn’t it be i am?
it would be becoming aware of being.
some sort of stimulation would have to occur, yes?
stimulation that produces reaction within him.
we are gleaning from the harvested fields of rationalogic philosophic thought.
after those came and took what they hope would make them $$$.
we pick through what’s left behind.
then we smoke it.


stimulation from some sorta dream or some sorta reality.
transmitting receiving.
– a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
the particular end would be to determine if this stimulation is useful.
if it is, it is kept.
if it is not, it is rejected.
did we answer the question?
what question?

there is no question.
there is no answer.
there is being.
there is experiencing.
however way those work is fine by us to our way of thinking, which is gazorbnik.
whatever we find useful.
it is useful if it helps us to survive.
and/or it is useful if it amuses us.
and/or it is useful if it guides us toward understanding however much of everything we might be able to understand considering the circumstances of the situation we are in.

he gazes out the window.
another toke.
we accept everything as having the possibility of truth.
everything may also possibly be equally false.
is there a question?

there are more than enough answers.
more than we can shake a stick at if we wanted to which we don’t at the moment but might feel like it later or not at all.
what’s the point?
isn’t this where we get off?
in his defense everything does appear to his particular inclination to be something of singular origin of some sort.
but he recognizes that this might be becuz of cultural conditioning and then some.
but when he tries to envision it with his own imagining and reason it seems to come out the same.
but there are pluralities of origins on and on.
facets of the same light each unique?
how do we calculate this?
how do we determine its meaning?
how do we profit from it?
how do we fit it into our theory of everything?
how many questions about it do we ask?
a quagmire of questions?
we should have no doubt.
we should be confident we are correct.
we should raise our burning flag up on the hill high higher highest.
eye of golf ball.
the exactness of the requirements to understanding everything improvising without a care.
but there are rules.
everything beyond the rules is forbidden.
rationalogic tells us so.
rationalogic cannot be wrong.
look at all the $$$ it makes.
the lord’s blessing from above.

people’s heads all messed up about all sortsa shit real and imagined.
but never mind.
we got everything to think about and so on.
how do we know if a tree frog is happy or not?
everything should be happy.
happy being miserable.
destroy the world with a bullet.
all gone, baby.

clap your hands.
make it go away.
but we are stuck in this isolation.
no one to depend on.
everybody in the same sinking boat.
sinking to the depths beyond the reach of reason.
who knows what might come out the other side?
it could be anything.
the other side of this life.
the last days may be upon us.
that’s what everyone is talking about it seems.
when the gods return to fight their ancient battles for no reason.
but somehow we are to blame.
we are such naughty children.
never do what we are told.
is this a great surprise?

he swims waves of everything until he is in over his head.
the waves higher and deeper.
a roller coaster.
what might we transmit to others who find no use for it?
rejected shit.
little do they know.
the subtle ways of gazorbnik bursts upon the scene with full fanfare.
we know nothing, the chorus sings aloud.
what do we need to know if we do not understand?
lottsa people know facts and figures as if that explains much of anything.
yes, this universe is logical.
yes, it is absurd.
logic tells us to make as much $$$ as we are able.
but nothing is guaranteed.
nothing is part of everything.
0 dimension point where when it all happens at once and nothing happens at all.
a matter of scale.
the life of the universe in the blink of an eye.
the life of a particle eternal.
we are here now bedazzled by it all of everything.
when the clamor of the senses is stilled to 0 what wonders we might behold.
to those who possess the will to disciple themselves.
we have the discipline to will ourselves into obscure mediocrity.
we have our own measures of what constitutes bliss.
we find it here now everywhere everywhen in everything.
busy pussy willows.
everything is death consumed by life.
reproduction to varying degrees of discrepancy.
– a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts [sic].
irreversible widdershins irrationalogic synchronistic hullabaloos blowing in the winds of fate.
turn left at the next light.
does a thing (object) cease to exist when not perceived, yet to “be there” to pop back into existence when again perceived?
another question with no provable answer.
just thinking about whatever comes to mind.
what is conditioned by languages into our conceptual thinking.
what is i am before language is able to utter it?
because we have no words does it mean we are not aware?
we feel ourselves being.
a sense within no words can accurately describe without poetic license.
being before i am.
into a bottomless pit of beginninglessness?
to gaze into that abyss and ponder the wonder of it.
infinities of russian dolls in a maze of mirrors.
everything is abyss.
how can we avoid it?
why should we?

once more we come up with no conclusive answer(s) we might choose to believe in.
everything is fluid ever-changing dynamic please pass the ketchup.
he sleeps.