
this is all the klown’s imagining, typing not p0em about our theory of everything at a desk before a computer onstage at the burning theater down and out on easy street.
why not?
and the klown really stinks up the place imagining sitting on a throne front row center balcony.
the assassin waits behind the curtains, not knowing that the show never ends.

infinity must be absolutely everywhere and include absolutely everything.
we forget if we have proven this or not, so we pretend that we have.
when you live in a fantasy world everything is easy.
but watch out, the flames of desire and fear can overtake you suddenly without warning.
that is the risk you take, perhaps against your will.
infinity must be beyond all that everywhere and everything stuff.
how so?
how come?

infinity for the most part may be made up of nothing.
how do we determine the most part of infinity?
and in all that infinite nothingness our universe might be some itsy bitsy teeny tiny infinitesimal speck of whatever it might be.
relative to what?
relative to itself?
when is it the size of a basketball?
and more questions than that.

it’s all as slippery as an eel.
how many people actually know how slippery an eel is?
an eel tied into a gordian knot inside a tank of sea water onstage at the burning theater.
let’s see the magician get outta this one as they are locked in the tank with the knotted eel.
presto changeo?
is that the trick?
we’ll have to watch and wait and see, shall we?

back to the burning theater where there is no more  magician trying to unentangle a knotted eel and escape being locked in a tank of water.
it would seem now that the klown perhaps imagined that part of our theory of everything.
it was fun while it lasted.
he tries to remember, but cannot.

everything seems too coordinated, like it would actually happen that way at random, but it seems to have done just that.
but this way of viewing it is dependent upon there being a beginning.
what about many beginnings, or no beginnings?
if there is 1 beginning then there are infinite beginnings, yes?
you don’t need to agree with us.
just don’t come after us with big sticks to get us to agree with you as is the history of you groupthink peoples.
the group gives you might and might is right.
the individual is dangerous, a weed in a crack in your wall growing and making the crack bigger until your wall crumbles down when the weed is actually a tree.

another couple of tokes for the klown.
blessed be – hahaha.
what a joke.
how can it be such absurdity.
people wanna be free yet have all the comforts of civilization which is anything but free.
duh, really?

it involves dealing with other people wanting everything when there isn’t everything to be had.
aren’t you glad you found a way out following your gazorbnik?
but platitudes abound what many believe are wise sayings from the dead.
check your head once in a while.
maybe it’s mounted facing backward.
but backward is relative, is it not?
at anytime it could be forward we go marching marching marching.
cognitive dissonance ringing its bell in the early dawn.
wake up, people, there is so much to be thinking about.

the klown decides to sleep for a bit.
he is tired most all the time now.
he supposes he could be depressed.
so what?
doesn’t mean a ding dang no how to a noodle to him.

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