bovine deluxe memory

do you hear anything, like the turning of cosmic celestial spheres?
perhaps not.
what do you imagine instead?
is it good for you?
is it good for anyone?
perhaps not.

electric dominos falling knocking each other down in progression toward nowhere but their own destruction.
imagine that.
every wish comes true in its own weird way, sometimes backwards than it might seem, laughing all the way.
laughter that cuts like a chainsaw.

onstage at the burning theater the klown typing not poem cuz he ain’t no poet.
everything is a mess no one wants to deal with.
they’re not ready for it.
whatever could it be?
it feels like the 2nd coming, but we’ve believed in this before by now.
pay your taxes, render unto caesar, be humble and swift.

let the others be boastful and proud of their vanity in grand proportions.
what use is it?
it’s a lot of noise for naught.
it deafens our thoughts.
we must silently get away while no one notices our absence.
they are too distracted.

away further along on pathless paths experiencing everything we are able.
everything happens at once in the eternal moment here now that cannot be measured with any certainty.
knowing something, but not knowing so much more about it than that.

the klown hesitates and is lost.
lost from the awareness of the others who are barely aware of themselves.
how unfortunate for everyone.
do we love them anyway?
unconditional love?
it is hard to imagine.

not love of one specifically, but love of all generally.
love for the sake of love.
what fools we are and have been all this time wasted building monuments to ourselves.
there is nothing wrong with this picture, is there?

the klown leads himself away toward the shadows backstage to lean on a post and observe the antics we all go through to gain attention.
some are loud while others are quiet, while others are just nice.
then where does cruelty come from?
our own hearts and minds what we wish upon an other instead of ourselves when we pray to our false idols.

but god is everything, true and false.
how can it be otherwise?
the schizoids believe in good and/or evil being in opposition one against the other, while they are actually complementary with one another in wobbly balance of space and time.

simple things for simple minds.
the simple mind of the klown understanding wisdom.
it’s a mystery to him still as he learns more each moment extending one from the other toward infinity which we have proven cannot exist.

the klown is amazed by all he thinks about whether it is great or ordinary.
how can everything be?
he doesn’t know everything but he understands about everything.
words get tangled up trying to explain.
language is a misguided puzzle that only fits certain ways and not others.
he thinks of so much more than that where words come from and go to.
he thinks himself everywhere everywhen at once and for all.
he has a rock in his pocket, and not much more than that.
and now he must go away.

33- living in doomtown

does the klown need help from himself typing not p0em endlessly from his brain into a computer onstage at the burning theater?
but who is it who is here to help him?
and help him with what exactly?
help him to keep going?
help him to finally stop?

who understands their own gazorbnik?
who knows they might have gazorbnik?
if gazorbnik is meaningless then what possible use is it?
is that for the klown to know and for the rest to find out?
it’s just a word he made up.
he doesn’t remember where or when.
is that important?
just like how he doesn’t remember where or when he first started keeping a rock in his pocket.

others search for meaning.
the klown searching for anti-meaning.
he doesn’t know why, except he doesn’t like doing what everyone else is doing.
but that’s not really true.
like he became a freak cuz everyone else became freaks.
but, so what?

each freak the same yet different somehow.
everything is strange experiments instigated and conducted by secret agencies that no one knows about even today.
the klown’s gazorbnik tells him so.
it’s perfectly obvious to him.

kill the pigs.
but then the klown imagines himself sitting on a beach of a remote island watching waves roll in and wash out over and over in what might be thought of as eternity but is not.
is anything eternal?
probably not, the klown thinks.
eternity is infinite but as we have proven with our theory of everything that infinity does not and cannot exist though it comes very close as we have stated a number of times before here now.
yet it is not finite either.

is here now all that exists?
everything at once and for all?
it seems to be all our senses might possibly perceive.
and it seems to be all our minds might possibly think and feel.
this is true though we might be thinking of the past or of the future such that it feels that both exist.
or some nonsense as that.

the exact moment of being.
where and when does it begin and/or end?
as we have also proven before there cannot be any beginning nor end.
these are illusions, though useful ones, as long as we remember they are merely make believe.

there is past and future, though as extensions of now.
but neither can be touched or felt.
they are purely mind.
and the klown is writing as the muse instructs.
he has little idea about whether any of what he writes is true or not.
but let’s not get started about what is true and what is false.

here is everywhere.
now is everywhen.
there is nothing untouched, not in all space and time however far they might extend within and without.
thinking this turns the klown on.
thinking everything turns the klown on.
he feels spacetime expanding all around him.
then back to watching waves on a beach.
he swoops around from one thing to another flying in his head where the action is.
laughing screaming in the void.
can there be a void?
perhaps not, but it’s close enough.

the klown is no one.
he at times wanted to be someone, but not enough to be anyone.
being someone is a trap.
once you’re someone you have to be that someone all the time.
if you’re no one you can be anyone you want to be.
who’s gonna notice?
no one.

it’s a trick, like being in 2 places at once if you’re not anywhere at all.
if it’s done right you can be anywhere you might imagine.
try it on for size.
you might like it.
or not.

18 – a darkened path

under the dome tonight.
sweet dreams of pure terror.
H328632455an ice cream truck goes by playing its warbly song driven by mistaken identity.
the klown laughing screaming in the void inside his head outta his mind.
so there.
it’s a wonderful place to be if you can tolerate it onstage at the burning theater where everyone who’s anyone hangs out, even you know who, as the klown types not p0em into the cloud for everyone.
the show must go on.
has no one ever had this experience?
oh no, not again!

none of this is happening.
reality is much more dreary but alive with fantastic energies we might imagine but never witness for ourselves but rely on the word of others that they are not just protecting their exalted positions with bullshit and that they are reporting on the real situation not speculative fiction – hahaha, as if.

so, the proper course of action might be, trust no one, don’t even trust yourself.
few can get by trusting no one and/or themselves.
that’s the trick, if there is a trick.
of course there’s a trick.
the gods trick us with temptation.
be who you are, you cannot fail.

is this the kinda advice you’ve been given?
hokum hoopla hoopla oink oink grunt.
this is what the pigs tell us cuz no matter how supposedly sophisticated they style themselves their real nature shows through the illusion.
pigs are pigs hot to trot no matter what else they might accomplish with their disgustingly lavish money.

none of this is happening either.
it’s a microscopical portrayal of conflict among the peoples that makes it difficult to wade through keeping the peace in your heart always shining guiding if you happen to know how and are able to follow, should anyone happen to lead, and lead correctly to restore balanced dharma for once.
applying doubt is recommended.

whatever else he may be, the klown is a fraud.
he balances lies with truth.
it’s as if he doesn’t know the difference.
is every truth able to be turned around into a lie, and vice versa?
it may appear it might be so.

the time effects of late night television glowing pulsing in the dark with active radiation and subliminal messages known only to our id receiving commands.
kill die baby.
look out below the sea.
the slaughter bloodbath.
a lower class of peoples rounded up and done away.
no one complains.
what’s left to complain about?
who is left?
who is right?

where do we begin but at some arbitrary spacetime location to observe the motions of the stars?
but there is beginning and end, isn’t there?
somewhere somewhen?
it seems so very simple that we learned it as children – this is the beginning, this is the end.
this is round, this is square.
the klown gets up to walk around a bit and becomes lightheaded and has to sit down.

so what?
about as meaningless as gazorbnik which everything else becomes too as life goes along on pathless paths never giving up the fight for the right to be no one in your pursuit of happiness and such.
being outta the way and not much bother to anyone good or evil as it would seem.
gazorbnik tells the tale of all possibilities.
everybody thinking being a bum is the wrong thing to be and striving struggling your miserable way toward the tippy top.
careful you don’t fall now.
the way to happiness is to be happy along the way you may wander off to.

everything the teachers have told you is wrong.
they are paid to confuse you with their made up pseudo-knowledge.
true knowledge comes to you from yourself.
it grows within and you are the judge.
you know when you know it.

don’t get fooled by those like us who will steal your minds away with devilish tricks aplenty.
the pied pipers lure the children away.
hooray the revolution.
we thought it was that easy.
oh how we laughed, until the space wizards told us to be quiet or they’d zap us again.

21 – a scene of a crime

the klown typing not p0em for what’s left of the disgruntled masses onstage at the burning theater cuz the show must go on, all according to our theory of everything.
hip hop hooray.

dig, baby.
dig it all day long and into that darkening night we go.
it never seems to stop.
it feels eternal.
what is it, some sorta god?
should we worship it?
is that what it wants?
what do we have but our money to give?
should we line up to pay to pray and all that business?
why would god want that?
no god the klown wishes to know.
but the klown is going to hell where the action is.
he needs no direction, he knows which way to go.
down down down rising up to the sun, moon, and stars.
and we all shine on, and we’ll have fun fun fun till daddy takes the t-bird away.
rock on.

backwards logic sideways through the keyhole of the door of expectations leading to disappointments.
you would think we would learn by now.
but we’re dumb docile creatures most of the time.
once in awhile we go apeshit for whatever reason.
that’s how and why someone assumes control and enforces it to the degree it is necessary to get everyone to calm the fuck down.
nothing to see here, go back to your tvs.
your favorite shows are on.

mixed up mumbo jumbo jive, baby.
love it or leave it.
you know what to do.
don’t you?
you should by now.

groove to the psychic transmissions through the æthereal cosmic waves crashing on a beach in your minds.
this could be heaven if you let it.
anything could be.
the best and worst of all possible worlds.
what more do you want?

remember what many will tell you, the more you want the worse off you’ll be.
are they playing a trick on you?
do they want it all for themselves?
that seems to be the case.

why make a mockery of everything?
can’t the klown take anything seriously?
but he does, hence the mockery.
and he wants a cigarette – bad.
it’s been over a year.
but he can barely breathe as it is.
oh well.

the center point of infinite everything is everywhere everywhen.
its location is ±0.
it cannot be calculated any more than that, if you wanted to do so.
probably not.
it’s on and off.
the undulating waves as the result make everything appear as it is perceived, however that might be.
or not.

but we proved this all before, if you remember, if you were paying attention.
if you trust your gazorbnik.
nevermind what it might mean or not.
it is meaningless but for what meaning we might place on it.
does gazorbnik need to mean anything?
can it remain meaningless?
but stating that it is meaningless gives it meaning, yes?
can we state that its meaning is meaninglessness, or does that go too far?

so many unimportant things the klown thinks up that the world goes on without.
him and the world are not that close.
each go their own ways.
but he is trapped in the world.
but the world is trapped in him.
does he hate or love the world?
does the world hate or love him?
who can tell?
is death really the answer?
he’s soon to find out.

everything about death is meaningless speculation.
no one here has yet died and we don’t know shit.
unless we have all died before over and over.
possibilities abound with everything being and not being.
what is and what is not?
everyone will tell you a different story.
any each of them are fabricated in their minds.
join the crowd.
and off we go, baby.
yippie yahoo!

notes from the quagmire

life can be as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sometimes that the klown makes for himself this morning for breakfast with a ginger ale.
and sometimes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich can be the most complicated thing ever.
it depends on your mood and state of mind at the time.
when we say everything is mine.
alpha-ego taking as much as they can.

when no one is your friend except the imaginary ones and your black cat.
when you’re not lonely but being left alone to do as you please more or less as you can with given social circumstances.
when doing something considered to be odd by others among us.
look at them.
they wanna be on tv.

the klown typing not p0em for those paying attention smirks to himself about the state of everything as we perceive it onstage at the burning theater.
it might be a pumpkin.
it might be a bumpkin.
it’s you!

look what you’ve done now.
spread the news.
there must have been some mistake.
that’s what many think to themselves.
are mistakes truth?
think about it.

nothing is simple as it may seem.
a glittering web of oscillating stuff underneath within everything, or something like that.
not really, it’s metaphor.
there is nothing else like it, yet everything is composed of it.
here we go.
it’s now or never.
in memory of stars burning out in the night.
how did we get here?
excuse us while we grin.

most people the klown knows are depressed.
he feels himself on the edge of it from their weight dragging him down.
it’s a popular 21st century condition.
there ain’t no cure.
misery in the world.
but his heart sings from a different state of joy most of the time.
why should he allow the others to affect him.
he knows better than that.

but it could be corporate government mind wave radiation bad negative energy broadcasts.
keep the people down and unable to function wanting to stay in bed all the time.
what can be done?
what can he possibly do?
none of this has turned out like he had expected.
but expectations lead to disappointments.
oh well.

disappointment with the realization that what one expected actually coming true is disappointing in itself.
all goals are disappointments, yes?
happiness is disappointing, which is why we only pursue it.
having wealth and power is disappointing to be less than expected.
most of what we want is a drag possessing.
we forget that the object of the project is the project.
to always be doing, even if it’s only thinking – or even dreaming.
even just existing.

for the love of love, baby, something’s gotta give.
let’s pretend it’s you.
are you a crack in the wall letting light into this dark world?
do you hope so?
you do remember what the pigs have had done with those who tried this before you, right?
so now it’s up to you to change your mind.

another toke.
wheels of confusion turning haphazardly nowhere at no time that you might recognize at all at once diving into the matrix of it, swimming around.
what fun, the horror of it all.
fixation blues creeping around in your brains.

every location of spacetime is here now, isn’t it?
of course it is.
what do you still want?
what will you ever accept as the final answer?
answers are for fools who believe them.
what’s your exit strategy to embark on your journey?
do you necessarily need one?
what is holding you back?
who is holding you down?

once you learn the properties of reason combining all lack of faith once popular among us long ago you will decide the plan of action of non-action.
beware making any mistake though you will make many.
thus it is stated in our theory of everything ongoing process of thought painted with imagination.
death in june.
so happy.
so mixed up.

what are you doing here?
have you found it yet?
it is it, baby.


something about everything.
cook it.
face it.
nothing will never be the same.
should it?

high speed logic formation easily disguised as something familiar.
could it be a tangerine dream?
it depends on how you decide to look at it.
the land of the big beat of big feet.
suck it up.
time’s a-wasting.

total annihilation.|
discovery of self over ego, or something like that, as each explains it to oneself.
manipulate reality at will as you go along pathless paths around the bend and over the hill and far away relative to the others left behind but to yourself is here now.
how tiring it becomes explaining nothing to no one.

coffee, toke, cinnamon gummy bears all in relation to reality 1.
the numbers count forever all over the place.
this is awesome.
how can it be otherwise?
a mix match balance of all elements of creation.
you are blown away yet remain surrounded poised in wonderfulness.
how happy you could be coming to understand what you know, if possible.
everything is one except how we divide it among ourselves with some getting more and many getting less.
such is such.
the more going to those who get up and go while the less going to the lazy.
as it should be?
yes, why not?

this revolution is never finished with its enthusiastic adherents in the streets shouting everyone else down.
you might feel sorry for them, but don’t waste your time.
they would not care about you in return.
such is the yin yang of the situation for those who understand.
neither the CIA or the KGB might alter it one iota of infinite spacetime than it should be – although why they might want to no one will ever know.

experiments with alternate universes.
is it a matter of perception?
what do you think about that as you go through the motions of living your life?
so many possible directions and dimensions to choose from.
where are you now?
is everything here now when you get there?
it’s always other, which is unfortunate – or not.

everything would seem to be opposite to as it appears at first.
to set out on the rough open seas looking to find a way to make money, and lots of it.
money is the easiest factor to understand in a world of greed and death.
lick the bloody sword and smile.
the klown ignores what he ought to be doing.
tomorrow will be a better day.|
for now he watches the show at the burning theater from his assigned location upstage left where he sits at a desk before a computer typing not p0em like his life depended on it, giving words to thoughts he may be thinking, often without believing.
what’s belief got to do with it?
so much of what we believe is dead fucking wrong.
the noise in your head that won’t go away like an endless string of fireworks.

you protest too much, which makes us think there is some other sorta motivation at work here now with you.
whose side are you on?
there are so many to choose from, including the side of choosing no side.
there are many fancy ways you can get around it if need be.
there are many waves on a beach that it is difficult not to lose count.
that is one of the ways to get around it.
it is it – isn’t it?

there is no santa claus?

all answers end with questions

as if this weren’t enough the klown continuing not p0em, which is a guise for our theory of everything, sitting at a desk before a computer he gazes out the window for some sort of wyrd inspiration.
he watches the grass grow for a moment or so more or less.
he’s discovering his fortune as it comes and goes like waves up and down in and out on a beach, each dying and instantly reborn.

is everything waves?
waves of what?
waves of un-locating particles?
something’s going funny here.

the klown is supposed to be but is not funny.
the endless drivel of not p0em continuing onward through thick and thin while explaining as much about our theory of everything as possible under the circumstances of this particular situational situation.

many events of spacetime are not directly perceived.
everything perceived is an event of spacetime.
rant the fuck on, baby.
be true to your school if that’s all you can do for now.
what amazing sensations of senses greet us everywhere our bodies manage to take us.
then there is the “other side”.
it’s wacky, it’s insane, it may drive you mad – or not.

we’re in over our heads with the experience of everything as it has been worked out in our theory.
it tastes as meaningless as gazorbnik.
everything is growing is why the universe is “expanding”.
the more we think about everything the more wonderful it becomes.

we realize our theory is in shambles and to begin again as if not.
how many levels do you wanna go up or down or sideways?
remembering what is possible.
look at the person with those fancy pants.
look ’em dead in the eyeball.
make a funny face so they know what they’re dealing with – another idiot.
they then move on down the line shaking hands with the pre-selected new recruits in their sparkling prescribed uniforms.

how disgusting it all turns out to be perceived by one group or another on and on.
dominant human nature to breed and kill.
killing ends any and all argument.
the dead don’t talk.
they don’t do nothing really.
just kinda lay there.
lazy fuckers.

comedy news cutups strutting down easy street like they’re the only thing happening – oh no.
they don’t know what’s happening with our theory of everything being typed up as not p0em by the klown experiencing post-existential bliss-o-rama.
so let us suggest that when everything is nothing then nothing is everything.
let that be true.
if it’s not true then so be it.
it is it, which is another whole different problem.

what problem?
it is it is not a problem, it is a statement of fact.
do you not agree?
we expect no answers to the questions we find ourselves asking for whatever odd reason we might be.
everything is as near to random as it gets in physical reality.
this does not mean it is true in any other reality.

upon closer examination everything turns out to be nothing, does it not?
think again.
once we arrive at this supposed conclusion the universe disappears.
no thing is left.
is spacetime a thing?
2under these conditions it would be.
it’s a conditional thing.
nothing annihilates everything until there is nothing left, not even nothing.
this has been stated before and proven by our theory of everything to be correct – sorta, but not really.

to sit back in the van while your mysterious alter ego walks up to the door of the house and rings the bell.
someone – a woman – opens the door and they speak awhile then she lets him in.
a certain amount of time goes by and you wonder what’s happening.
then the door opens once more and your alter ego steps out followed by the woman and they speak a little more then hug and he turns toward the van and begins walking back while she goes inside closing the door behind her.
and you look again to see your alter ego disappear as he reaches the van with his hand on the handle.
was he really there?
who went into the house and what did they do?
who is the woman?
this is what our theory of everything is like.
all answers end with questions.

but wait, there’s more

the quality of life is more important than the quantity of life is another of the tenets of our theory of everything.
everything is possible, no matter how remotely.
we all live in a zoo.
how do you do?

the machines are taking over.
they may probably decide we are irrelevant to them and their activities.
or not.
who will control who?
will there be anything left for anyone to have control over?
questions of all sorts are the lifeblood of our theory.

humans will be extinct, along with the majority of plants and animals on earth.
good job, peoples.
only robots and cyborgs will survive.
that is one scenario of our theory.
and most people don’t care.
we don’t care.
when we die, we die.

we deliberately destroy all living life around us for some reasons we do not understand.
we watch videos on the interwebs about all the wonderfully strange ass people there are in this world and all their wacky ideas about whatnot and everything.
buncha freaks.
but not us.
we’re ok.

lies, nothing but lies and fakery.
wild undergrowth under tall trees.
you know what we mean?
a real high class act.
duck and cover, people.

as the klown typing not p0em onstage at the burning theater, which is a thin disguise for our theory of everything, decides to think about white butterflies.
he sees one each summer so far by now.
he wonders if that has any meaning to anyone of mystic bent.
the elitist pigs want to abolish the mystic way of experiencing the world – the earth, and everything associated with it.

mau mau, baby.
happiness is pursued but never reached seems to be one of the rules of this game of life.
very simple, but many don’t get it – not in a zillion years.
the coffee is exceptionally bitter.
our theory is based on a shaky foundation – but aren’t we all?
the klown is shaking in his boots.
come on down.
let’s have a jubilee.
it’s just about time now, isn’t it?

few know what we mean.
not many are nutz enough to perceive it – to experience it.
we’ll keep on fighting till the end.
our way or the highway, baby.

we’ve got nothing to defend cuz nothing is what we believe, though nothing is not a what.
sophomoric mind games while the world goes by.
bye bye we wave from the dock.
good luck.

we hang up our gone fishing sign and then dive in.
what wonders we encounter beneath the surface of reality.
the reality of spacetime is fascinating and dangerous.
we can be “killed”.
but meanwhile we live!

believe it or not #6

twinkle-doo twinkle-dee.
another day in history of the death machine destroying the planet that we breathe our lives into its progression.
this according to our theory of everything disguised as the klown typing not p0em so no one might suspect.
yet here it is.
yet here we are.
get ready.

and here is the burning theater and now is the living moment.
holy christ!
what a sight everything is.
will we ever see its like again?

so we are amused by the workings of our theory.
it pleases us.
who are we to complain when all that gives us life it provides as we need it?
but soon no more.
the culling of the earth before our eyes.

our theory informs us about what we need to know to survive and what we need to know just to wonder.
to know our theory of everything is to wonder freely about the known universe as it appears to us to the naked eye and also our enhanced vision.
everything might be illusion after all.
that is irrelevant to our theory as well as being one of its prime components.
funny how that works.

the ice breaks and we begin talking to ourselves, which many of us have been doing long before.
it’s a way to maintain one’s sanity with insane thoughts in one’s head.
like, everything is nothing therefore nothing is everything around around the yin yang like that.
there’s no end to the madness.
we imagine it being infinite though there is no such animal as infinity.
infinity is a mythological concept of imagination.

our theory of everything is primarily pretend and make believe.
our theory of everything is just so much bullshit.
however one wishes to think about it and believe it to be that is what it is.
there is much darkness and so little light.
the light appears about as believable as a delusion, a mirage of the mind.
this is what we learn at the burning theater through acting it out to entertain the masses without them knowing our subliminal messages to the contrary of what they believe they are thinking.

this is how we gain social control, those of us whose mission it is to do so.
one never knows who or what – or how or why.
appearances can be deceiving.
you have probably witnessed this for yourselves, yes?
you may feel your own eyes trick you, but they offer glimpses into reality.
all this is how our theory is known.
but knowing is not necessarily understanding.
guess again.

keep in mind that gazorbnik is meaningless.
it is the cornerstone of our theory – sorta, but not really.
gazorbnik tends to stand alone to itself.
gazorbnik usually does not allow itself to become involved.
this seems to be quite useless in these times we are in for now before we move onward.
but it provides an example as to how what is going on.
or not.

working out our theory we have come to find that we believe in no god, one god, many gods, aliens, etc.
devolutionary evolution of a flat earth is possible.
why not?
because certain people who claim to be better informed than the rest of us tell us so?

our theory does not need slaves nor solar power to exist and thrive in its own way of doing nothing is everything.
but meanwhile onstage at the burning theater we perceive what’s behind the curtains before they are opened to reveal it.
it is it.

it is it is the most solid of all the premises our theory of everything holds to possibly be both true and real in some form or another.
however one must remember that it is it is only true and real if it≠it.
this is a hurdle many cannot get over much to their dismay.
they then spread rumors that our theory of everything cannot be true and real which of course it can’t.
that is not the point, is it?

another toke for the klown.

furthermore –

next on our list is more about our theory of everything typed by the klown as not p0em onstage at the burning theater.
take a seat.
this will only take a zillion years.

first, our theory of everything is malleable into whatever shape it might need to be in to prove a point, which it rarely does, if ever.
and now that this is understood what else you might wish to come to understand is that our theory need not necessarily prove anything, nor even explain it.
we leave this for others to work out for us instead while we sit relaxing in the shade drinking lemonade.

and of course, nothing is forbidden and everything is permitted.
this gives us a foundation upon which we build our theory as we see fit as many others have done before us by now.
we will abandon our positions as we may or may not decide at a moment’s notice.
be careful what you think.

many parts of our theory are thoughtcrimes, or soon will be if not now.
what we do is largely forbidden, which informs us as to the nature of the society around us we find ourselves within among the rest, wondering that anything needs to be forbidden.
but whatever.

this is not important to the rest of our theory of everything as we understand it which may be incorrect or not.
it matters not since what is incorrect is included in our theory as much as what is correct.
this might be madness.
does that matter?

the cat is sleeping within our theory of everything.
the klown takes another toke for himself and all the ships at sea.
the klown is instrumental in our theory in so far as he types as he is instructed to type our theory as not p0em.
this is so we can do as we please while he picks up the slack.
finding slack is his mission and don’t you forget it.

it is doubtful that you are buying into any of this here nonsense.
our theory is imaginary and make believe pretend.
don’t worry if you do not understand it, we don’t ourselves either mostly.
we just think about it and dictate it to the klown through the psychic spheres spiraling hither and yon like nobody’s business.

we have proven to our own satisfaction that everything is nothing which makes it such that nothing is everything.
probably not.
you become confused and give up, which is the master plan of our theory.

but giving up is the first step in realizing what’s what and what’s not what.
this probably seems more complicated to you than it needs to be, which is exactly right.
in direct opposition to this observation is simplicity.
our theory is both simple and complex, and it is often difficult to tell one from the other, but don’t let that stop you, it doesn’t stop us.

our theory, or more properly what our theory suggests, takes lifetimes to realize.
do not lose your patience, it will not help you if you do or not.
again, whatever.

what most probably misunderstand about our theory of everything is… um… we don’t know yet, unless we just forgot, eh?
what’s to misunderstand?
it’s all so simple interactions of complex magnitude.
infinity is “something” we conceptualize yet have very little idea of what it might turn out to be, if it exists which our theory has proven it cannot as we have explained before.

you probably will not read about our theory in a dirty magazine or website, but you might and might not know it.
you can read about our theory anywhere anytime in anything if you want to or not.
you chose your own adventure.