watch out for snakes


what the fuck?
the green light is on.
that does not seem to mean anything.
the crackdown is on.
abandon all hope, suckers.


the klown has no idea what he’s writing about typing not p0em into the cloud.
how strange it all is from his perspective.
strange and getting stranger.
he loves living in this time when everything is happening that no one seems to want to happen but happens anyway.


it’s the only time he could be alive.
he’s a child of the modern age.
he’s forgotten the moon and what it means each time it comes around again.
he’s forgotten so many things.
but whatever, baby.


the train coming around the bend down the tracks pulling into the station to let off and let on people and then move on around the next bend.
look at the puppets in the windows.
aren’t they silly?

5 yes but is it art

don’t look at nothing.
become unaware.
avoid all contact.
blast off!


the klown remembers everything and nothing – 2 sides of the same coin, as they say.
a coin spinning on its edge undecided which way to fall at every single moment.
there is only one single moment, isn’t there?
it is now continuing from and toward forever vibrating at ±0.
this doesn’t make sense, nor is it supposed to, until irrationalogic is applied, by force if necessary.
make it march.
hup hup hup hup.
hop hop hop.
sing and dance.
fall down.
do you have a choice?