

the logic of dogs.
the reason of raccoons.
the rationality of a mosquito.
coffee and ginger snaps.
a night of rain.
zombies lurking in the bushes playing flutes.
god loves $$$.
the wise guys love god.
they deduce its existence with their calculations.
meanwhile they beat their slaves in drunken stupor.
their perfect ordered ideal society.
as god ordains.
so we are told.
so we are to believe without doubt.
we have plenty of doubt.
more than a lifetime.
fuck them.

and it’s the master scheme by those who have managed by trickery to gain power over the rest of us in order to maintain it.
this is their philosophy.
landed oligarchy of intellectual aristocrats and their sons and the rest of the lowly ignorant brute masses who must be kept busy and occupied to serve their masters and to not be just hanging around causing trouble.
and the rulers of various sorts have kept this “ideal” society alive through the ages.
if you wanna learn how to attain power theirs is the way to follow.
it works because we allow it.
we are as they describe us – lowly ignorant brutes.
suckers for them to fleece.
and we deserve what we get.
we get nothing but bills to pay.
quit your crying.
wake up.
take it all if you want it.

he wants none of it but what meets his basic needs of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
he is happy thinking everything nothing anything he can as it comes to mind.
it comes and goes with the prevailing winds of change.
don’t let a sparrow into your house.
keep it together.
keep it tight and in control.
it is the way of the lord.
serious shit.
no fooling around.

the blind and the stupid.
we know who you are.
you make your presence known loud and clear.
be quiet.
peaceful contemplation.
fuck the rest of the noise.

in communion with others of our kind if there be any anymore or they have gone extinct.
we can’t rely on anything.
we must assume we are on our own.
no one to guide us or help us.
we don’t have $$$ to buy their services.
we fly through the eye of a needle.

to believe or to have doubts.
to find balance between not knowing which.
god as shapeless formless taking all shapes and forms reflecting in the maze of mirrors shattered and distorted into diverse variations of itself.
god can only be it.
male/female are illusions of duality.
father god and mother goddess are for the comfort of the ignorant to pray to for favors.
god has no name but all names.
god is no god but all gods.
the higher hierarchy toward the heights of heaven from the depths of hell.
the master scheme scam we know is not true.

ego eco

waves on a beach.
tides supposedly pulled by the moon or some such as that.
what does it matter what truth is?
what does it matter if there is no truth?
we don’t care whichever way it might be.
we have no vested interest ($$$) in it being one way or another or all ways.
we are content to ourselves being who what we are and becoming.
heaven is boring.
so is hell.
this world ain’t much better.
but this is where when it’s happening.
we will find this world nowhere else but here.
whether reality is merely appearance or not is of no consequence to us.
we let others debate the issue and anything else they wish to argue about and fight to the death over.
it’s their trip, not ours.
but we live in a world they create with their idiot energy for victory at all costs.
rah rah rah.

clowns to the right.
jokers to the left.
we enjoy ourselves despite bad weather generated by the masses of others fussing and fighting over whatever.
lots don’t even know why.
but what can we expect from humans?
they love war.
peace is beyond their understanding.
they become easily bored and restless without stimulating excitement.
they cannot comprehend the excitement of discovering everything ongoing toward infinity and beyond.

all we might state for certain is i am – if that.
but it seems fairly obvious it has aspects of truth.
it is it is something else we might rely on as truth.
unless there is no truth.
but that cannot be stated without contradiction.
no truth can be truth.

we abandon ship.
the ship of fools.
we take our chances on the wild sea of our vast ignorance approaching infinity.
infinity cannot exist.
not as we possibly know it from our experience.
what does it matter?
it is moot city.
no one knows beyond what they might speculate and argue about.
we are not that interested in joining them.
they are fools to us.

the well housed, well fed and well armed.
fuck them.
we rather to be free to ourselves and die.
let them get all they deserve.
let them moan about decadence and decline.
we don’t care.

he coughs and hacks up a mouthful of phlegm.
he feels ok for someone in his condition.
suicide by cigarette.
he has always been curious about death.
there are many theories about it.
no one living knows despite claims many make otherwise.
the proof is in the pudding.
he can and cannot wait.
death he does not fear.
the actual act of dying is however some concern.
we shall see what happens.

he lifts his eyes toward everything.
he sees it in different light.
words are useless beyond this point.
none can describe but point toward a certain direction we might follow toward understanding.
a foreboding sense of calm.
he giggles.
he is a fool and he’s perfectly ok with that.
let the others mock and call him names if that is what pleases them.
it’s alright.
he forgives their pompous enlightened ignorance.
lack of understanding.
everything we know is wrong.
everything that is truth is illusion.
do not be misled.
think for ourselves.
it’s the only way to go.
it’s all we need to rely on.

now in the hereafter sitting in a garden enjoying ourselves.
people in gloom hopelessly burdened with life to death.
we can do nothing for them they cannot do for themselves as we have done with nothing to go on from the beginning like others before us along our different paths toward anywhere everywhere.
we follow no formula.
we improvise our amused folly to arrive in strange locations of mind as our spirit moves us.
devotees of doctrine are advised to avoid ones such as ourselves.
we are an evil influence.
yes, we are.
we will shake them up.
we will shake them down.
we will turn their pretty little heads around.
we will make them regret ever having met us.
let them go their own way along well demarcated roads toward promises of enlightenment without understanding.
we watch them parade by their heads held high.
we watch and wait for nothing.
we are fools who know not the higher way they take pride in.
wave their burning flag up on the hill.
they win.
oh boy.


but what of us?
what are we left with?
scraps from the table in a dog dish by the door unless we learn to sit and behave ourselves.
we must never forget they are our betters in every way.
and they are our betters in this world.
but we’ve been elsewhere and did not see them.
we are alone.

it’s a masquerade.
voices of the dead in our heads.
go toward the light, they chant.
light and dark are equally oppositely blinding.
why should we want to do with either?
not us.
everything at once.
nothing at once.
where’s the fun in that?

god above or god within.
must we decide?
shall we dance?

god/not god.
the continuing argument.
what’s the difference?
but many panic in fear of one being proven and the other not.
contest of wills.
reason has lost all ground.
god and not god annihilate themselves and each other together.
where’s the fun in that?
we are ready and willing for fun.

the straight upright structure of philosophic thinking thought among professionals for fame and fortune which few attain for ages.
new school built on the foundation of the old school.
school’s out.
school’s been blown to pieces.

the pressure is on.
it never lets up.
the oppressors and the oppressed climax together in agony ecstasy spasms on the dirty filthy kitchen floor struggling against one another for as long as time.
action/reaction yin yang groove thing going on around our heads like lopsided halos as we gaze out windows into new amazing possibilities we imagine as being real as anything.

everything is not real.
everything does not exist.
where when is it?
here now?
where when is here now?
but we imagine everything.
we have a word for everything.
that’s it.
there is no substantial everything in actuality.
there is not substance nor actuality.

a world in such a sorry state.
the earth raped and pillaged and left for dead.
and we ponder unreal things of the mind for our amusement.
(someone ought to be amused?)
such a sorry state we are in.
our pride before the fall of all we hold dear to our gut feelings.
rise above.
a wasteland surrounds us.
a wasteland of our making.
we need no vengeful god to destroy us.
we are doing just fine on our own, thank you.
or to reward the successful and blot out the failures.
but that’s a silly made up story.
we know nothing is straight up and down.
wiggle wiggle wiggle.
we sing and dance.
we fall down.
we laugh.

but all this hoopla is nothing.
there is it and only it.
it exists as infinity.
it manifests as finite.
we perceive it as such as finite creatures yet we are infinite beings.
infinite being in love/hate relationship.
which is which being love or hate is subjectively relative.
even if god exists it is defined in such a way that it cannot exist.
not as we know existing.
we are always the dumb fucks.
we know nothing but appearances.
shadows on the cave wall.
what is reality?
a mad god laughing screaming alone in the void inside his head.
looking into a mirror.
self gazing at self.
i am that i am.

the glorification of god by those so inclined to do so.
we are not.
we’re not big fans of the lord as it is known far and wide throughout the lands.
we do not comply.
but it’s a make believe game devised to keep us in line – successfully at that.
what else is to be done with us if we do not possess self-control?
not to kill each other.
killing with kindness.
death with a kiss.

it is all that is real and not real together.
this is our theory of everything anyway.
we could be wrong.
we don’t care.
we get paid the same.
we deal with that which cannot be proven one way or another whichever way one perceives it being except by those of us who believe in truth.

all is truth or not.
it is truth.
it is not truth.
whichever way it might happen to express itself as being.
it does not need to be one or the other or both or neither.
it is which it is.
switcheroo, baby.

buddha on a crutch hobbling down easy street singing the blues bumming smokes from the tourists who mostly shun away from his reeking odor that precedes him.
a blade of grass.
we cannot wait for the new world to be born to enjoy its peaceful disharmony and discord abundant with mutual self-interest such that no one is wanting every heart fulfilled.

if there is everything and if there is nothing and everything is nothing as nothing is everything then why do we focus on everything and not nothing?
everything is exciting, stimulating.
nothing is a bore.
so there.
but there is no such thing as everything and nothing.
they do not exist.
i am exists.
it exists.
we can be sure of nothing else.
the rest is conjecture and theory though we make it work and make $$$ for us.
that’s important.
how do we know who’s better than who without $$$?

he is perplexed, but in a good way.
divine perplexing.
his eye cuts through it to its inner self of being what it is.
but it is an entangled mess of polarized complementary opposites in opposition all of which are true.
it is a contradiction of itself in an infinite number of ways.
but is infinity a number at all?
he doubts it.
it would stand to reason not to be.
infinity is itself alone as itself without definition as this or that or the other thing and so on.

he often get mixed up with words and meanings.
he looks them up just to check if he’s got it right or not and he notices that often 2 or more words will use each other back and forth in their definitions.
what’s the deal with that?

logic – a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something.
reason – the power of the mind to think and understand in a logical way?
what the fuck?
how does that makes sense?
a serpent swallowing its tail.
that’s all everything is.
he calls bullshit on all of it.
the keyword in the above definitions is “proper”.
reason and logic are meaningless.
proper to who?
those in power and usurped authority, that’s who.

and this is what it is to be mad, yes?
we are delightfully mad.
we are frightenedly mad.
or not.