agonized turbine #8


um… what?

so it goes.
from here we are probably best advised to get serious.
he cleans the cat box, though not seriously.
seriously talking with his “imaginary” friends.
he lights a cigarette.
thinking thoughtcrime.
oodles of noodles.
let’s think happy thoughts.

if we don’t trust the reality of one world how do we trust the reality of any world?
seeing different other worlds is an interesting trick but what does it really do for us?
all magick is just tricks.
everything is just tricks.
we’ve got tricks up our sleeves and under our hats.
when the time comes.

as fate allows.
fate can make anyone stumble and fall.
fate can make anyone take off and fly.
but we choose which fate.
or not.

spin the wheels one more time.
we claim everything.
look at whatever happened to the paris commune.
that means something to anyone who has thoughts in their head.

we have only that which we can hold and defend.
our own minds are the final battle field.
we take to the hills.
live free or die.

but maybe it’s not that desperate but he feels that way cuz of the paranoid thoughts in his head about everything which may merely be a symptom of his madness.
his madness a blessing and a curse.
reaching to heights.
sinking to depths.
a thrill every moment.

he types out a not poem cuz he ain’t no poet about our theory of everything.
it gets wiggy and then some.
we shouldn’t mind that.
it’s the confusion that precedes realization.
if there is realization.
at times we remain confused.
he understands most of what he knows about which isn’t much about anything.
he aims to know as much about everything as he can manage given the vastness of his and our collective ignorance.
have no fear.
understanding is near.

he makes some coffee and takes toke.
he thinks about other worlds this world could have been and perhaps once was.
perhaps will be?
to have made the world a better place with ourselves being in it.
perhaps not.
we shall see what takes hold and what doesn’t.
our subtle subversive magick or their heavy handed dominating magick.
there are cracks in the wall.
cracks in the shell we are hatching from born into a new world with the destruction of the old.
there is no other way to go.
nothing can stop it – us.
but they attempt to enforce it to cease and desist.
they seek to exterminate it if they can.
down to the DNA.
but they never will.
our magick is tricky.
it adapts to most anything while maintaining its own identity – being a freak.
we are all mutations to varying degree within a bell curve thing.
while they try to dissect and remove what they perceive as cancerous growth while we perceive evolution.
it must be.
what else is our mission and purpose?

what higher beings we may become – or not.
what savage beasts instead.
it’s our individual progress that should concern us.
we cannot save the world as it does not need saving.
the best and worst of all possible worlds for our enjoyment and learning.
we are employed by ourselves in this quest to overcome ourselves according to what the wise guys tell us we are to do.
we are not entirely sure that we understand what that means.
maybe our higher selves taking control over our lower selves or some such?
the world as school with lessons to be learned and experience to be gained.
but the confusion of it all mixed up together in contradicting conflicting ways and means.
or is that the puzzle we must solve?
and we are to know which is what how?
as we struggle along with the rest of the masses.
the billions of souls each unique yet collectively subject to the lowest common denominator acting en masse.
nothing to be done.
climb that ladder of success or remain as we are satisfied and content.
to each our own.
what’s the hurry?
we have eternity to discover what’s what about everything.
but for ourselves each in our sweet short lives we want it all now.
but patience is a virtue?
a virtue being something done in our own best interest.
best interest for what?
to gain victory over ourselves.

who am us?
are we the individual or the collective self?
assume we know nothing.
assume everything we do know is wrong.
begin it again.
to be reborn anew baptized in spirits.
to twist and shout about it.
it is it.
let it loose, baby.

to know and understand the divine within our own terms of understanding.
our wit and wisdom.
laughing all the way kicking and screaming.
the collective is dominant but the individual is supreme.
as the individual dies and so does the collective.
the road to success is paved with those who couldn’t make it.
the road to success is uphill all the way.
look at them go go go.

with little to no concern for anyone but ourselves we continue.
should we be concerned with anything at all?
the wise guys would lead us to believe that we shouldn’t.
leave everything behind.
find the self within the self.
the godhead self.
we find ourselves beaming across the universe at the speed of thought.
we visit any worlds we choose.
we may never return home no more.

but to lay in a meadow out in the shining sun or the pouring rain.
to be here now forever marveling at everything as god might marvel.
we are god, right?
god is us?
we are them?
there need be no god if we do not desire it.
just higher consciousness of the gestalt of everything.
the gestalt of ourselves.
if you take an engine apart it is no longer an engine.
if you take us apart we are no longer conscious.
everything is a gestalt of itself.
and all that jazz and so on.

sailing on a ship of fools intentionally set on its way to never be seen or heard of again.
gleefully we board with our hearts set on utopia.
and when we are adrift and starving we spy an island in the eye of a storm raging on an otherwise calm sea.
the sea is humanity.
we crash on the rocks.
we disembark while some part of us drowns the rest reach the sandy beach collapsing sleeping to awaken with dawn.
we have lost everything but ourselves.
we sit watching the waves with the dead bodies rolling in the surf.
is this it?
have we reached our destination?
a paradise lost.
surf city?

a goal of sublime divine contentment.
to be in vibration with everything.
to witness wonder unfolding in the moment now.
is this anything we might wish to become?
is this anything that is not obvious?
we are told it is not in this world.
it is too.
it is the whole of this world.
creating sustaining destroying.
birth life death.
to survive it all continuing onward toward unknown destinations.
everything everywhere everywhen everyone.
free for all.
grab everything we can while limited supplies last.
the economics of scarcity.
the wealth of the few.
the poverty of the many.
the natural order prevails.
nod your head if you agree.

are we part of the solution or part of the problem?
is it better for there to be a problem with no solution or a solution with no problem?
yin yang.
all things being equal.
a particle out of place could possibly destroy a universe.
all things being relative.
all things being dualistic yet whole as one.
a matter of perception.
a matter of state of mind.
a matter of being.

he spends most of the day at the café drawing cartoons.
now he imagines himself sitting before the computer continuing typing out a not poem about our theory of everything and such.
a plethora of everything even the most vile and disgusting.
we don’t need to enjoy or not.
our greatest desires.
our greatest fears.
to walk between entering a garden of earthly delight.
what is your delight?
pleasure or pain?
or something else?
what does it matter what?
to try to do as little harm to others as we can get away with.
until unless harm is set upon us.
fight and/or flight.
in our heads outta our minds.
finding the point of no return and beyond into unknown destinations.
the collapse of the basic deconstructing infrastructure on blueberry hill leaves us free and afraid of our own shadows chasing us into the sun finding ourselves redeemed in this game we as gods play out in this world among ourselves for our amusement.
good versus evil.
whose side are you on?
which is what?
us and anti-us.
senseless divisions among ourselves into opposing fundamentalist forces.
somebody should do something about that.
everyone should be like us.