a certain amount of uncertainty


morning waking coffee toke cigarette.
imagining himself typing out a not poem cuz he ain’t no poet about our theory of everything.
to be thinking about everything and have it come up zero.
but zero is the magick number.
it is everything that is.
zero is what we are to attain, is it not?
senseless thoughtless.
just being zero.
this is truth according some.
to be and not to be.
for there to be no question.
the exact center here now.
to still the waters of the pond to its steady state.
then what?
that’s what he always wondered.
a foolish question perhaps.
does it have an answer?
the completion of self into a serpent swallowing its tail.
to attain.
to accomplish.
to wave our burning flag in the field of flags up on the hill.
for an eternal moment.
hooray for us.
give us a gold star.
he lights another cigarette.
he tries not to worry.
he tries not to be concerned.
not too much one thing nor another.
the middle path held within while we wildly spin about through a world full of meaning placed on it throughout the ages we must contend with deciding what meaning it might have for ourselves.
a world dancing to cosmic vibrations throughout the universe from every possible potential location of spacetime and beyond.
a dreary rainy morning on easy street.
he gets more coffee.
everything escapes him in the moment.
he thought it would have come to him by now but it hasn’t that he is aware of except for certain synchronistic telltale indications that may or may not mean anything about it.
and this growing understanding of the nothingness of everything.
but isn’t that truth?
we devise our theory along what might seem plausible given other plausibilities on and on and so on.
truth is relative to itself being truth.
we give everything benefit of the doubt.
we assume everything we know is wrong.
toward zero mindedness.
not doing much of anything else except maybe some laundry and clean the bathroom.
crunchy granola bars.
no one ain’t much out and about in the trailer park.
gray day.
good for the melancholy soul.
is there melancholy in heaven?
is there crunchy granola bars?
he lived in heaven once.
he was bored outta his mind.
and there are all these things lurking in the shadows.
he never knew what they were supposed to be.
everyone obeying unspoken orders.
but now anyone can get in if they really want to if fate decides.
let them discover what it’s all about for themselves.
as seen on tv.
losers need not apply.
this is the great success story.
a golden age before the decadent decline.
each of us in it for ourselves despite our feelings of compassion otherwise.
the exponential growth of greed.
and all that jazz.
this vacation getaway.
the best and worst of all possible worlds under the circumstances of the given parameters of the reality simulation machine.
words that become meaningless.
his thinking becomes meaningless.
his existence becomes meaningless.
just as it is supposed to be.
gaining victory over himself.
when the dawn comes.
first it is, then it is not, then it is.
the grass is always greener on the other side.
knowing truth is knowing we are not wrong.
think about it.
but we are always wrong.
everybody wants to be in on the joke.
but we are always right in our own heads.
should we trust that?
everything is constantly changing.
should we pay someone to tell us what is going on?
should we buy their books?
should we watch their videos?
should we attend their seminars?
which one should we choose?
there are so many on the market to choose from.
what if we are wrong yet again as we so often have been before going nowhere?
we are right and everybody else is wrong.
that is the truth we live by.
that is the only truth we can live by and save face.
why should we be different than anybody else in the same fix?
but we are different.
we are few and far between and then some.
gods who walk the earth in a dream of reality.
as we imagine it so it is if that is what we choose to believe based on the evidence of our experience.
but whose dream of reality is it?
it doesn’t seem to be ours unless from some higher deeper source than we are presently aware of.
those who have decided that they know truth do not understand.
they are mostly rude obnoxious asswipes especially if we happen not to agree with them.
why should they be any different than anyone else?
they have come to rule over the world.
nothing stands in their way.
their truth is truth of this world.
but what is this world but illusion perhaps?
we seek a more reliable truth than that.
we seek a more reliable truth than all those thusly available that we are aware of.
we pick and choose among them for our own ideas about it.
what seems to us to be reliable if only becuz we can understand it with our limited comprehension of whatnot.
are we to be cast aside as always?
when will that end?
when will they no longer seek to justify themselves by a process of eliminating all who disagree with them?
probably never.
we endure until we inherit the earth.
an earth destroyed by the world.
a world in ruins being overgrown until it is no more.
we wander naked and unafraid.
and la-dee-da like that.
the earth gives in abundance what the world takes away.
it’s all the same everywhere we turn to.
as everything falls apart.
we are dumbfounded by ourselves.
what a buncha silly monkeys.
we had such expectations.
oh well.
better luck next time.
but we dream that away in our holy ritual of hallucinations.
chant gazorbnik.