some more about it.


predawn morning waking up.
he makes some tea.
he lights up a bowl.
another cigarette.
taking care of business.
not playing with a full deck.
someone dummied up the cards.
he makes up a game to play by himself.
imaginary friends.
he has no choice but what fate deals him.
it’s how we respond to that fate that matters.
that’s one theory anyway.
it seems plausible.
we include it in with our theory of everything he is typing out as a not poem cuz he ain’t no poet.
to try to be open to what comes to mind.
much is out of our cognitive grasp.
deep programing.
words cannot describe expect in metaphors of vague meaning.
this has had both beneficial and detrimental effects on the masses who believe in them.
when words themselves are metaphors.
when thinking turns to gobbledygook.
when gobbledygook turns to realization.
the pyramid code.
dynamite those fuckers.
destroy the evidence.
back forward.
just a joke, doc.

phundamentalistic phuturistic phantastic plastic lover.
heroes of the night.
we listen to them calling our names out from some forbidden void.
we allow our imagination to run wild.
gazorbniking the day away.
tension in the air.
tension everywhere.
the continuing war to end all war.
the war that can never be won.
hail victory.
where do we surrender to who?

buzz not least ye be buzzed.
often times we are struck by incomprehensible wonder agawk at the world around us.

what the fuck?

but behold we come to understanding.
or so we suppose or not.
let us make believe.
it’s the only way out for any of us to believe what we will that might save us.
save us from what?
he goes to the café for a mocha.
he comes back with a forked stick for the mind shift/ship and a chocolate muffin for his baby.
he sits before the computer again with a peach yogurt.
he lights another cigarette.
the state of constant changing with light and shadow in a dance performance piece.
you call this art?
art schmart.
poetic license abounds.
watch out.
you might be next.

take a bite outta crime.
report your friends today.
everybody’s doing it.
that’s what they tell us.
that’s what they lead us to believe.
everybody’s on board the bandwagon coming down the street here in anytown.
alas, babylon.
let us now forget.
but the memory of the flames is bright.

i don’t know, i don’t care, and it doesn’t make any difference – guru jeff.

people segregated into various work camps preparing for and making war with one another over resources for the few to control.
complementary opposites.
one is defined by not being the other.
yet the two share a common bond between them linked through a graduated continuum from one to the other.
and all that jazz.

adventurous avatars descending ascending to earth to work in this world to bring it to its full potential or some such.
when we exponentially evolve spontaneously combusting into the dawn’s early light after an age of darkness we are awakened at last as we are to be becoming onward and upward toward higher more refined planes of perceiving this world as it is meant to be perceived knowing and understanding naked and unafraid.
when the gods are taken down.
their remains in flames burning darkening the sky with clouds of soot and foul stench.
this will pass.
this will be remembered for the generations.
the place and time of our victory over ourselves.

everything without meaning.
everything obsolete to the new way.
heaven on earth for those who can afford a ticket.
we are left begging outside the gates for those of us feeling they have been abandoned.
we have been set free.
free to fend for ourselves in a world stripped bare and poisoned.
we stagger through the ruins.
we sing and dance.
we fall down.
we laugh.
the joke was on us the whole time.
their plans never included us but as a work force to build their dreams come true.
read their accounts of utopia to find out where their true heart lies.
but we have our own ways and means not to follow them.

if we correct our minds the rest of our lives will fall into place the wise guys tell us.
probably good advice.
we should probably practice that.
zZZ… ?
if our madness hadn’t taken over control when we were born and raised in this world.
our madness setting us free in scattered minds blowing in the wind.
we perceive the world we are led to believe by the manipulations of the overlords.
we fall for it all the time.
suckers born every minute put on the assembly line constructing their reality in our heads.
one size fits all.
one is all.
all is one.
it is it.

emotions should be a sign of health, not disease – guru jeff.

not to the rationalogic mind that has the power to rule the world but not the wisdom.
wisdom from the depths of heart and mind.
to understand undercurrents of streams of consciousness arising to surface from our desires and fears notwithstanding.
a potential plenum of every possible location in spacetime and beyond in waves of self-simulated patterns of being transmitting receiving on/off binary finite bits of data of itself processing the experience of everything.
the irrationalogic of infinity.
the whole.
untranslatable whatnot gobbledygook nonsense spewing from guru jeff’s mouth in a trance state summoning up the dada-ananda in the produce section of a local supermarket.
it comes and goes.
aboard a ship of fools.
a legion voices in his head.
he lights another cigarette.

generations lost in space.
what do we do now with the realization we are wrong in all our thinking thus far about everything we may have imagined being real or not or true?
caught between worlds.
we rejoice in our being duped by ourselves our whole lives living a lie we told ourselves to believe.
words fail to describe the true nature of it all except what meaning we take upon ourselves.
everything else goes to hellfire to be purged burned alive transforming anew to turn around backwards from itself to how it might work for us not against us.
enlightenment comes slowly through the night before dawn we await in silent contemplations.
the noise in our heads becoming the noise of aum baffling in our madness which is no joke.
we lose ourselves in it laughing at our misery.

he thinks as he writes as he thinks in obsessive compulsive disorder.
he is broken and cannot be fixed right again.
he misused his power of will.
he sits.
he closes his eyes.
he breathes still.
he feels nothing.
he’s never felt nothing.
nothing claimed by the wise guys we would feel.
not a tingle of nothing.
not a nibble.
he has a nice little doze is all.
oh boy.
feeling some joke is being played.
he can imagine the laughter.
he laughs along.
such a sad ass clown.
and it’s all his fault.
he must not forget that important point.
the wise guys must need be to remain holy blameless above the rest of us.
the divine ape hierarchy must be maintained.

praise it.
praise it in the heavens.
praise it in hell.
sing to its glory radiating throughout the universe and beyond.
forget all trouble and sorrow and feel the joy it brings to us.
it is it.
there is no more simpler truth than that.
it is everything.
everything is it.
even not it is it.
it is all encompassing vibrations through the plenum of nothingness bringing it to living life to become experiencing being.
it is a mystery never to be solved.
it is all duality from extreme to extreme good or evil.
it is synthesis.
it is bliss of all feeling and emotion being alive.
until it all fades into itself in perfect contentment.
this is all we imagine it is.
it is probably much much infinitely more.
it is beyond comprehension yet we are touching it always just being.
beyond our comprehension is our imagination guiding us through the darkness of it toward enlightenment.
the pursuit of happiness.
the ship of fools.
those laughing on the shore watching it sail away.
what wonders to behold of it being it.
what we see is what we get.
what we believe is what we see.
it is neutral positive negative.
it is that which cannot be named.
it is that which is all names.
we know what it is.
knowing is sometimes not knowing.
knowing is imagining believing in it.
it is a joke.

writing ugly pretty words on and on in meaningful meaningless discordant harmony to our wild desire and fear yin yang rodeo clown.
what’s the problem?
simple complex.
don’t think.
mix it up until no thought is possible.
find a way – each our own way.
however it might be judged correct incorrect by the others who know nothing about it having not experienced it for themselves but as subjectively theoretical as our own truth.
truth be damned.
it is it.

it must be it.
but it is not it.
the answer is a riddle.
we are in the middle between faith and doubt.
but guru jeff guides us along the ways of our becoming toward unknown destinations we might not expect.
be joyful in heart in the midst of sorrow.
sorrow for the world in such a state.
but it remains paradise throughout our destruction.
both opposites are the same defined as being the opposite of the other.
tea and english muffin with peanut butter.
thinking sideways.
the ship of fools landing on a beach of an island in the eye of a storm raging on an otherwise calm sea.
the sea is humanity.
the storm is our thoughts, words and deeds driven by our primal ape nature.
king of the hill mentality thing.
all hail the victors.
the continuing war to end all war.
that’s what they sell us that keeps them in $$$ and power.
they try to convince us it is nature’s way.
god’s way.
the way of truth.
to an extent that may be true within certain parameters of thinking in rationalogic involuting circles.
but we travel into infinite irrationalogic territories off the maps of rationalogic finite comprehension.
this is our madness.
we perceive what the others do not seem to be able to or cleverly collectively ignore.
we learn their language that cannot describe what wonder we behold.
he lights another cigarette.
we use poetic license.
but they of literal mind cannot grasp our intent at communication but the few and far between who happen along the way.
they laugh at our jokes.

it’s all a joke, isn’t it?
we hope for the best and expect the worst.
through diamond eye we see into the maze of mirrors to see the one dancing foolishly naked and unafraid.
creating sustaining destroying.
laughing screaming alone in the void inside his head.
all gods in one god.
one god in all gods.